Franklinville was established
1847 |
How to contact us: |
Town Hall Hours
Wed.: 9:00am-12noon
Town of Franklinville
163 West Main St
P.O. Box 277
Franklinville, NC 27248 |
Franklinville, North Carolina established in 1847 is an idyllic former textile mill village located on the banks of the Deep River. Centrally located in North Carolina and Randolph County, Franklinville enjoys relatively mild seasonal weather and is within a few hours drive of the Atlantic coast and the Smoky Mountains. For 140 years life and work in Franklinville revolved around the two textile mills located on the banks of the Deep River. With the closing in 1979 of the last textile mill, our town experienced a decline in services, opportunities, and growth. In the last few years however, efforts by many citizens has begun a rejuvenation. Work is proceeding on establishment of a four-mile Deep River Rail Trail for hikers, bikers, and kayakers, and implementation of a Textile Heritage Museum in a portion of the 1838 Franklinville Manufacturing Company mill. Please check back as we provide periodic updates on ongoing activities in our Town.
The Randolph County Animal Control Ordinance has changed. Tethering or chaining of dogs is no longer allowed in Randolph County.
Residents have until January 1, 2017 to find another way of keeping dogs on their property.
Dog owners can:
- tether a dog for a reasonable period of time to allow for bathroom breaks
- tether a dog on a runner for a reasonable period of time that allows the dog to exercise
On January 1, 2017, residents who tether or chain their dogs will receive a warning citation. If the dog remains tethered, there will be a $50 fine. If you need help finding other options for keeping your dog on your property, please contact the animal shelter at 336 - 683 - 8235 or the following dog rescues:
· RC Humane Society
· Happy Hills Animal Foundation
· Flying Hounds Fences

Help us brighten the Christmas of a local child in our community. The Town Hall has a Christmas tree set-up in the reception area, where you will find a card attached with a child's needs listed. To protect the children's privacy, a number has been assigned to each child. This number must be listed on each gift. You may choose to wrap each gift individually or not at all. We do ask that all gifts be put in one large bag for transporting and brought to the Town Hall by Friday, December 8th. Please come to the Town Hall as soon as possible to select a child's card from our Christmas tree. Thank you for sharing with a child in need this Christmas Season.
Deep River Rail Trail
(open dawn to dusk,
7 days a week)
(Click here for Directions)
Spring & Fall LitterSweeps – dates TBD
Community Improvement Projects